Installation Guide

Introduction consists of Web Application and Cluster Frontend. Web Application handles user requests, transfers them to Cluster Frontend and gives back the result. Cluster Frontend, called Hydra, consists of scripts to interact with cluster software. is usually installed on two servers: web server and cluster frontend server. These could be real or virtual machines. It is also possible to combine both servers into a single one.

Web Application part is installed on web server. For security reasons Web Application should use https protocol.

Hydra is a tool for interaction between web application and cluster. It consists of two parts: Hydra client, which is installed to web server, and hydrad on cluster frontend.

Hydra configurator supports two installation modes: hctl for web server (client-only hctl) or for cluster frontend server (hydrad, perl libraries).

Hydra is installed on both servers: client part of hydra is on web server, and server part is on cluster frontend server.

There are two options for to identify cluster users: using LDAP directory or PAM. LDAP is recommended.

All third-party software is configured according to it's documentation.

General requirements

The same timezone setting must be set for both servers, including system timezone, PHP and MySQL timezone settings. Both servers must syncronize time via NTP. Installation

It is often convenient to have virtual machines for different servers, each of which provides separate service and consumes rather small amount of resources. That’s why cluster frontend and web server can be virtual machines based on OpenVZ, KVM, Xen or other virtualization technology.

Installation middleware on cluster frontend

Suppose you have computing cluster running and configured. Local job submission and job queues are managed by SLURM or Torque batch systems. User accounts are in OpenLDAP or just simply in /etc/passwd.

On cluster frontend user accounts and batch system should be configured properly. If users use grid, also grid middleware should be installed on cluster frontend.

Additionally, for Hydra should be installed perl, gcc, cron, rsync, and disabled SELinux. Installation example for CentOS 5 and 6:

Compile and install Hydra hctl to /opt/hydra/bin.

tar zxf scms-pro-latest.tar.gz
cd scms-pro/hydra

Change HANDSHAKE 1,2 private keys for communication between cluster frontend and web server in src/privatekey.h.

# Compile Hydra server:
./configure --prefix=/opt/hydra --enable-server --enable-client --enable-arc
make install


Copy compiled Hydra client to web server.

Note, that hctl binary must be installed on Web server, and hydrad on Cluster Frontend server.

Set Hydra server parameters in /opt/hydra/etc.

In /opt/hydra/etc/modules.conf:

# Resource manager can be slurm, torque

# Grid middleware
GRID = grid_ng

GRID parameter options are:

In /opt/hydra/etc/mysql.conf:

MYSQL_SERVER   = webserver_name
MYSQL_USER     = root
MYSQL_PASSWD   = mysql-pass

Note: these MySQL config options should be used in future when creating MySQL database and user.

In /opt/hydra/etc/grid.conf:

# Path to grid commands
GRID_PREFIX = /usr/bin

# Path to globus commands, for example grid-proxy-init
GLOBUS_PREFIX = /usr/bin

# Additional Globus libraries for LD_LIBRARY_PATH if needed

For SLURM in /opt/hydra/etc/slurm.conf set:

# SLURM module config

# SLURM commands path
SLURM_PREFIX = "/opt/slurm/bin"

# Local cluster name
CLUSTER = my cluster

SLURM_MPI_LAUNCHER = /opt/slurm/bin/run.ompi

# Compilation Section
# These options can be partition/queue dependent.
# They are devided into blocks for each partition.

C_FILEMASK   = "*.c"
C++_FILEMASK = "*.cpp"
F77_FILEMASK = "*.f"
F90_FILEMASK = "*.f90"

# Cluster partitions and their config

    GNU_C     = /opt/ompi/1.2.4/gcc/4.1/bin/mpicc
    Intel_C   = /opt/ompi/1.2.4/intel/10.1/bin/mpicc

    GNU_C++   = /opt/ompi/1.2.4/gcc/4.1/bin/mpic++
    Intel_C++ = /opt/ompi/1.2.4/intel/10.1/bin/mpic++

    GNU_F77   = /opt/ompi/1.2.4/gcc/4.1/bin/mpif77
    GNU_F90   = /opt/ompi/1.2.4/gcc/4.1/bin/mpif90
    Intel_F77 = /opt/ompi/1.2.4/intel/10.1/bin/mpif77
    Intel_F90 = /opt/ompi/1.2.4/intel/10.1/bin/mpif90

    C_LIBS =

Run basic functional tests:

./scripts/ -p /path/to/hydra

Note: this script should be run under ordinary user.

Start Hydra server:

cp /opt/hydra/etc/init.d/hydrad /etc/init.d
chkconfig hydrad --level 3 on
service hydrad start

Set crontab task:

*/5 * * * * /opt/hydra/libexec/monitoring/grid_jobget-cron
*/10 * * * * /opt/hydra/libexec/monitoring/grid_clusters-cron

Installation middleware on web server

Suppose that is installed to Disable SELinux. Install cron, apache, php 5.3+ and mysql.

If you use LDAP authentication, install php-ldap module.

If you use PAM for user authtentification, configure php-auth-pam module to work with PHP scripts:

yum install php-pear
pecl search pam
pecl install PAM

Add to /etc/php.ini:

extension = ""
pam.servicename = "php"

Make /etc/shadow readable for Apache user group.

Configure Apache virtual host on web server. We strongly recommend disabling suexec_module, forbiding directory listing (Option -Indexes in httpd.conf) and use ssl-enabled configuration.

Example of ssl-enabled configuration is given below. Server certificate can be generated using OpenSSL tools.

Listen 443
<VirtualHost *:443>
    SSLEngine On
    SSLCertificateFile conf/ssl/scms.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile conf/ssl/scms.key
    DocumentRoot /var/www/
    DirectoryIndex index.php
    RewriteEngine On
    <Directory "/var/www/">
        Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    TransferLog logs/
    ErrorLog logs/

Configure php module, in /etc/php.ini set:

; set your timezone setting
date.timezone          = Europe/Kiev
safe_mode              = Off
short_open_tag         = On
display_errors         = On
register_globals       = Off
magic_quotes_gpc       = Off
memory_limit          = 10M
post_max_size          = 10M
; maximum size of file you want to be uploaded through web application
upload_max_filesize    = 1000M
default_socket_timeout = 60

memory_limit should be greater than post_max_size and post_max_size should be greater than upload_max_filesize.

Copy files form webapp directory to /var/www/ Change owner of /var/www/ to Apache.

Change /var/www/ file: set up MySQL login data and database name, authorization method (LDAP or PAM), LDAP details, path to Hydra.

Start Apache.

Run script in your browser. In case of errors you should fix them and run the script once again.

Run script to populate MySQL database with tables and initial data.

Remove install directory. Test connection to with your cluster login and password.

Sample Installation

Below we give sample instructions on how to install and configure Before you proceed you should realize that these instructions are not to be followed blindly. They may not even work in your particular case. But we hope they should give you full understanding of how do you have to act on your cluster. Please feel free to contact us if you have any troubles while installation of We will appreciate if you share your experience to us.

Consider situation when you have two servers: web server called websrv and cluster frontend (cluster access) server called frontend, both running Linux CentOS 5 or 6. Cluster users are in LDAP Directory, resource manager is SLURM, domain name for is

Download archive from project site.

Install software on frontend server:

Disable SELinux in /etc/selinux/config:

SELINUX = disabled

and reboot server.

Set system timezone:

cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Kiev /etc/localtime 

Install the following packages if they are not exist. Packages perl-Expect, perl-IO-Stty exist in Epel and repoforge repositories. We may need add one of them to repository list.

yum -y install perl-Config-General.noarch
yum -y install perl-TimeDate.noarch
yum -y install perl-JSON.noarch
yum -y install perl-LDAP.noarch
yum -y install perl-DBD-MySQL
yum -y install perl-Expect
yum -y install rsync
yum -y install gcc
yum -y install cronie

Compile Hydra:

tar zxf scms-pro-latest.tar.gz
cd scms/hydra

# Change HANDSHAKE 1,2 private keys in src/privatekey.h

# Compile Hydra server:
./configure --enable-server --enable-client --prefix=/opt/hydra --enable-arc
make install

# Copy Hydra client to websrv:
scp /opt/hydra/bin/hctl websrv:/opt/hydra/bin/
rm /opt/hydra/bin/hctl

Here we compiled and installed Hydra server to /opt/hydra/bin.

Set Hydra server parameters in /opt/hydra/etc.

In /opt/hydra/etc/modules.conf:

# Resource manager can be slurm, torque

# Grid middleware
GRID = grid_ng

GRID parameter options are:

In /opt/hydra/etc/mysql.conf:

MYSQL_SERVER   = websrv
MYSQL_USER     = root
MYSQL_PASSWD   = mysql-pass

Note: these MySQL config options should be used in future when creating MySQL database and user.

In /opt/hydra/etc/grid.conf:

# Path to grid commands
GRID_PREFIX = /usr/bin

# Path to globus commands, for example grid-proxy-init
GLOBUS_PREFIX = /usr/bin

# Additional Globus libraries for LD_LIBRARY_PATH if needed

For SLURM in /opt/hydra/etc/slurm.conf set:

# SLURM module config

# SLURM commands path
SLURM_PREFIX = "/opt/slurm/bin"

# Local cluster name
CLUSTER = my cluster

SLURM_MPI_LAUNCHER = /opt/slurm/bin/run.ompi

# Compilation Section
# These options can be partition/queue dependent.
# They are devided into blocks for each partition.

C_FILEMASK   = "*.c"
C++_FILEMASK = "*.cpp"
F77_FILEMASK = "*.f"
F90_FILEMASK = "*.f90"

# Cluster partitions and their config

    GNU_C     = /opt/ompi/1.2.4/gcc/4.1/bin/mpicc
    Intel_C   = /opt/ompi/1.2.4/intel/10.1/bin/mpicc

    GNU_C++   = /opt/ompi/1.2.4/gcc/4.1/bin/mpic++
    Intel_C++ = /opt/ompi/1.2.4/intel/10.1/bin/mpic++

    GNU_F77   = /opt/ompi/1.2.4/gcc/4.1/bin/mpif77
    GNU_F90   = /opt/ompi/1.2.4/gcc/4.1/bin/mpif90
    Intel_F77 = /opt/ompi/1.2.4/intel/10.1/bin/mpif77
    Intel_F90 = /opt/ompi/1.2.4/intel/10.1/bin/mpif90

    C_LIBS =

Run basic functional tests:

./scripts/ -p /opt/hydra | less

Start Hydra server:

cp /opt/hydra/etc/init.d/hydrad /etc/init.d
chkconfig hydrad --level 3 on
service hydrad start

Set crontab task:

*/5 * * * * /opt/hydra/libexec/monitoring/grid_jobget-cron
*/10 * * * * /opt/hydra/libexec/monitoring/grid_clusters-cron

Install software on websrv

Disable SELinux in /etc/selinux/config:


and reboot server.

Set system timezone:

cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Kiev /etc/localtime 

Install packages if they are not exist:

yum -y install vim

# Apache and PHP
yum -y install php 
yum -y install httpd
yum -y install mod_ssl
yum -y install mod_php 

# PHP modules
yum -y install php-common 
yum -y install php-json
yum -y install php-mbstring 
yum -y install php-session

# PHP LDAP support
yum -y install php-ldap 

yum -y install mysql 
yum -y install mysql-server 

# Copy Web Application folder
mkdir -p /var/www/
cp -r /tmp/scms-pro/webapp/* /var/www/
chown -R apache.apache /var/www/

# Set Hydra client permissions
chgrp -R apache /opt/hydra/
chmod g+rx /opt/hydra/bin/hctl

Configure Apache, add to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:

Listen 443
<VirtualHost *:443>
    SSLEngine On
    SSLCertificateFile conf/ssl/scms.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile conf/ssl/scms.key
    DocumentRoot /var/www/
    DirectoryIndex index.php
    RewriteEngine On
    <Directory "/var/www/">
        Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    TransferLog logs/
    ErrorLog logs/

Configure PHP, change in /etc/php.ini:

date.timezone          = Europe/Kiev
safe_mode              = Off
short_open_tag         = On
display_errors         = On
register_globals       = Off
magic_quotes_gpc       = Off
post_max_size          = 10M
upload_max_filesize    = 1000M
default_socket_timeout = 60

To configure MySQL run commands:

service mysqld start


> Set root password? [Y/n] Y
> Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] Y
> Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] n
> Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] Y
> Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] Y

mysql -u root -p

# Create MySQL database
mysql> create database `scms-pro` 
       default character set utf8
       default collate utf8_unicode_ci;

# Add MySQL user
mysql> create user 'scms'@'localhost' identified by 'mysql-pass';
mysql> grant all privileges on `scms-pro`.* to 'scms'@'localhost' with grant option;
mysql> grant all privileges on `scms-pro`.* to 'scms'@'frontend';

Set Web Application parameters in /var/www/

// mysql
define(_mysql_host,  'localhost'); 
define(_mysql_login, 'scms');
define(_mysql_pass,  'mysql-pass');
define(_mysql_db,    'scms-pro');

// auth
define(_auth_service,     'ldap');
define(_ldap_host,        'ldap.ip.address');
define(_ldap_port,        '389');
define(_ldap_base, 'ou=People,dc=cluster');

// hydra
define(_hydra_hctl,  '/etc/hydra/bin/hctl');
define(_hydrad_host, 'hydrad.ip');

Start web server:

service httpd restart

Verify installation by running Everything except missing MySQL tables should be OK. General result should be Warning.

Populate MySQL database by running

Delete install directory:

rm /var/www/

Verify installation by running General result should be OK.

Test connection to cluster using your cluster account.


There are several sources of debugging information in SCMS.

Enabling "debug" option in site/config.php turns on debugging console in the bottom of web interface, showing all errors occurred during commands execution.

Setting "error_log" option to true in site/config.php enables writing errors to MySQL table error_log. It is useful during pre-production testing.

hydrad daemon reports some critical errors to syslog, see /var/log/messages.


1. Configuring ldap authorization on server.

Scientific Linux SL release 5.7 or CentOS 5.7:

yum search authconfig
yum install authconfig
yum install nss_ldap 

2. Installing PAM authorization module for PHP in CentOS 5.x

yum install php-pear
pecl search pam
Retrieving data...0%
PAM     1.0.3 (stable)  1.0.3 PAM integration
pecl install PAM

Add to php.ini:

extension = ""
pam.servicename = "php"

Set permissions to shadow file:

ls -l /etc/shadow
-r-------- 1 root root   1858 Nov  6 17:20 /etc/shadow
chgrp apache /etc/shadow
chmod g+r /etc/shadow
ls -l /etc/shadow
-r--r----- 1 root apache 1858 Nov  6 17:20 /etc/shadow